How To Apply

How to apply for enrolment into a qualification

The study section of our website has information on each programme of study, including dates, fees and entry requirements. Once you have decided what to study, follow this simple guide to enrol.

Step 1

Check that you are eligible to enrol and meet the entry criteria for your preferred qualification.

Click here to check.

Step 2

If you meet the criteria, complete the printed or online Apply to Enrol form. You will need the following information to complete your form:

  • Personal details and details of your previous education
  • Your National Student Number (NSN)
  • Student Number (if you have enrolled with us previously)
  • A valid email address (You can create a free email address at domains such as Google and Microsoft Live if you do not have one).

Step 3

Once you have completed all the sections on the form, you can submit the form online (with accompanying documents – see below) or mail it to us, or hand it in at the reception of our Wellington campus.

Step 4

Your application will be reviewed, and if necessary, you will be contacted for an interview with the programme coordinator.

Step 5

If your application is successful, you will be offered a place on the programme and be able to choose your courses (papers). If you are enrolling online the offer of place is made electronically.

Step 6

When you return your signed Offer of Place, your enrolment will be confirmed. During online enrolment, a conditional Offer of Place is made and you can accept electronically. If there is a fee attached to the programme, you will need to pay the fee before classes start.

Document checklist

When you enrol, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Completed and signed Apply to Enrol form
  • Academic documentation to support application (details on programme pages), for example NCEA results.

Document to prove your identity and domestic student eligibility as follows:

  • Write your verified NSN number i.e. National Student Number on your Apply to Enrol form (contact NZQA on 0800 697 296 to get your NSN number if you do not know it), or
  • Original or certified copy of Birth Certificate or Passport if you do not have a verified NSN. (A driver’s licence is not an acceptable form of ID for enrolment purposes)
  • Completed method of payment field on your form and made arrangements for financing of your studies.


NOTE: A certified copy is a photocopy that has been endorsed as a true copy of the original. To be certified, the document must be certified by an official of the issuing authority or a person authorised by law in New Zealand to certify documents, such as a Justice of the Peace, a lawyer, or a court official (Court Registrar or Deputy Registrar); and have the official’s signature on each page, with the name and title of the official shown clearly below his or her signature.

Scanned copies of documents can be emailed to us or uploaded with online enrolments.