He Wawata:
Our Vision
Have a transformative impact in Māori Health through Education
He Kaupapa Mātāmua: Mission
Strengthen Māori Health through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.
2022 Code of Practice Summary
This Code ensures the wellbeing and safety of all tertiary learners (domestic and international) enrolled in New Zealand education providers.
Download the full Manaaki Ākonga Care Code of Practice Action Plan Summary
He Kaupapa: Purpose
Te Rau Matatau is a Māori organisation with a focus on providing and improving:
- Nationally navigated and locally led solutions to strengthen Māori health.
- Leadership in the health sector and a commitment to increasing and enhancing the Māori health workforce.
- Māori health and wellbeing through leadership, education, partnership, research and evaluation, health workforce innovation and systemic transformation.
Ngā Whai Hua: Values
Our values are informed by ngā kōrero o ngā tipuna:
- Tika, pono me te aroha: Doing what is right with integrity and compassion
- Mahi tahi: in the spirit of togetherness
- Manaaki tangata: whilst caring and supporting people
- Whakamana i te tangata’: to enhance their mana and full potential
- ‘Kia ngatahi te waihoe’ We do this in unison to achieve Māori goals and aspirations.
- ‘Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini’: We honour and remember the collective efforts necessary for success.

Ngā Pou: Key Principles
Our key principles are:
- Pou Tikanga: Māori knowledge and values underpin Te Rau Matatau activities and focus.
- Pou Rangahau: View through a Māori lens, in research and evaluation to inform practice and evidence.
- Pou Ngaio: Maintain high standards that align with Māori, health, and professional ethics.
- Pou Hikohiko: Include contemporary and traditional methods as vehicles for delivery.